Staff Profiles
The staff at Church of the Holy Family is always eager to help with your questions and concerns.
Heavenly Father, Send upon Your people at the Church of the Holy Family Your Holy Spirit to guide them in the selection of a new shepherd of Your choosing, to lead Your people of Holy Family forward in the ministry You have called them to accomplish. We ask this through the meditation of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Assistant Priest Pastoral Care: The Rev Arthur Johnson
Fr. Arthur Johnson came to Holy Family with his lovely wife Valrie in 2007 after retiring from the Diocese of Long Island. Fr. Arthur is in charge of Pastoral Care, visiting the sick in hospitals and nursing homes.
Fr. Arthur assists at the Altar every Sunday and heads up the Prayer and Healing ministry. Fr. Arthur also teaches a weekly Bible Study. Over the years Fr. Arthur has endeared himself to the people of Holy Family by his loving and caring service and devotion.
Bishops Missionary: The Rev. Gabriel Tassy
Father Gabriel joined the Staff in 2004 as the Diocesan Missioner to the Haitian Community in Pine Hills.
Haitian by birth, Father Gabriel speaks three languages; Creole, French and English.
Along with his responsibilities to the Haitian Community, Father Gabriel assists at our Worship Services and serves our parish in pastoral care ministry.
Parish Administrator: Tessa Smith
Tessa Smith moved from New York and became an active member of The Church of The Holy Family in 2010.
Since joining the Church of The Holy Family, Tessa has been involved in many ministries which include; The Mentoring Program; Wednesday Morning Worship and Praise Service; Vestry member; Finance Committee Member; E.C.W member; and serves at the Altar as a Lay Reader. Most recently Tessa has volunteered as the Parish Office Assistant and now has been appointed by the Rector as the Parish Administrator. The Church of The Holy Family is blessed to have such a dedicated and multi-talented person, who gives so freely and lovingly of her time and talent to the Lord.